No No Bad Cats

we're cats. and we're bad. sometimes. bad, that is. we're cats all the time.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

heh heh heh

hey. it's me, holly. boy, do i sure have the beans in this house fooled. the one that keeps saying she's my new mommy is the worst. she keeps calling me "little miss holly" and saying all sorts of things in this syrupy voice. things like "you're mommy's sweet little girl." and she coos at me. seriously! what's a street cat gotta do around here, anyway? the other bean, the cousin, comes in to try to pet me when the new mom's gone. i hiss and flatten my ears back. i do that to the new mom, too, 'cause she's got to learn who's the boss. that's me, just in case you weren't certain.

for the last couple of days, ever since i stopped being totally docile and started hissing at the new mom, she's started calling me "holly golightly." she says it's from some movie. she says she's calling me that because in the movie, holly golightly pretended not to care about people because she was afraid of getting hurt. the new mom says that i really do want to love her and that i want her to love me, too, but i'm scared because i was hurt and because i used to be a street cat. hmmpphh. we'll see about that!


Blogger Daisy said...

Oh Holly, you will find out that it is safe to let your Mommie know that you loves her!

1/02/2007 12:15 PM  
Blogger Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Oh Holly we hope you will soon stop hissing and let your Mom pet you. We promise you'll love it.

1/02/2007 3:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you sound like Millie. duz you know Millie? anyway, we were street cats too, though the Lady and the teenagers captured us. Midnight and Cocoa decided to be friendly pretty quickly, but I grrrrrrr'd for a furry long time. it's very nice ta meet you. we sound lots alike.

1/03/2007 9:53 AM  
Blogger The Meezers or Billy said...

heh heh, that's our mommy's absolute favorite movie of all time. oh, and the cat's name was CAT. at least you're note named CAT.

1/03/2007 2:45 PM  
Blogger Lux said...

Holly, you're a very lucky girl! I'll bet before too long you'll be snuggling with the new mommy!

1/03/2007 6:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hoppy Mew Year!

1/03/2007 10:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just caught up on yr little whiskered xmas miracle. go samaritan pants! i can't wait to meet holly, but i don't want her to hiss at me. so i'll wait a while until yr heart of gold can tame her.

1/04/2007 1:35 PM  
Blogger Pumpkin said...

I no thare's lotz of new fings to get used to but wunce yu lern that yur new Momma is the wun who feeds yu and the wun who gifs yu treets, yu'll stop hissing and start purring.

1/04/2007 10:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Holly,
We thinks yur one luckee kitty. Yur story is a katmas mirukle. Its ok to let the beans kno yur not a pushover.
It won't be long till yul fergit the bad street hurt, and yur beans are speshul to have rescood yu. We think yu wil injoy livin wif Bat an Bandit
Its FUN to have othur playmates and beans to give you treats and keep yu warm.

1/05/2007 11:03 PM  
Blogger Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon said...

thank you so much for are cat blacket it came just in time as mu shue and Iris hit the nip hard see mu shue theriday 13. So they need a new place to pass out I put it on Lilly Lu bed and mu shue jumped in it and passed out Iris is sleepig on her pupple one as we type I lilly Lu luff my pink one I put it in my bed of all beds Mu shue when on his sun chair and Iris on the other sun chair. so I am sure it will be well used by both thank you again

Lilly Lu

1/11/2007 8:08 PM  
Blogger Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

How is Holly doing?

1/12/2007 4:33 PM  
Blogger Bonnie Underfoot said...

Holly, you're an Attack Tabby of the finest sort! A tribute to our kind. Don't fall for that syrupy talk from your woman - you already know who's in charge. But try to get well; life will be nicer if you let them take care of you.

1/14/2007 12:14 PM  

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